Tech Community & HVTechFest ‘19

We are blown away with the inaugural HVTechFest’s high vibe. Your attendance at the inaugural HVTechFest was a great confirmation of the growing tech ecosystem in the Hudson Valley and beyond. It was great to see so many new and invigoration of existing connections throughout the region and across New York State. We are happy and honored that we were able to provide the space for people to learn and witness new opportunities for growth using technology.

The Conference . . .

Thank you for joining us Friday, October 11 for the conference portion of the Festival to explore and rethink our tech education, tech workforce development and trends in hiring the lean startup way. Thank you for your hunger and curiosity to learn from each other through the tracks and sessions. The programming committee spent these enormous hours engaging and curating speakers one by one to reflect the industry trends — global and local. We are so proud of the 40+ speakers and 150+ attendees who participated in the conference.

The Hackathon . . .

Thank you for joining our first ever Hudson Valley Youth Hackathon on Saturday, October 12. Exciting to see 100+ professionals working side to side with youth, and competing equally. We appreciate our partner AT&T who was pushing us hard to have kids involved more than we envisioned — it was amazing inspirational and a learning experience for all! We learned that our high schoolers are way more tech prepared than the previous generations. They think alike, are responsible and capable. The startup bug bit them at the Hackathon — we can expect more tech entrepreneurs coming! Let’s cultivate this spirit.

We were excited to see the youth driven to solve the employability & professional sustainability challenges. We are all aligned in our dream making the Hudson Valley a better place to live and work. Technology can be and will be a practical tool for this rising tide!

The Festival as a whole . . .

This was the first of many Festivals we plan to have in the future. This was the largest ever gathering of the HVTechies ecosystem with over 250 participants and 120+ Hackathoners attending. It was great to see all of us connecting and collaborating throughout these two days. Based on real-time feedback throughout the event, I think it is fair to say we achieved our three stated objectives below:

  • Bring the entire HV Tech ecosystem together to connect and collaborate, hire and find jobs, create new partnerships and engagements. We trust you all have a long list to follow up!
  • Increase energy and excitement about the HV Tech ecosystem
  • Establish HVTechFest as a signature annual event for the ecosystem

We want to hear from you!

Please fill a short diversity and inclusiveness survey. Day 1 — Conference , Day 2 — Hackathon

Please help us make HVTechFest 2020 even better by completing a short survey for each of the sessions you attended during the Festival. The list of sessions and their associated survey links are below. Thank you in advance for your contribution in helping to build an annual premier technology festival for the Hudson Valley.

Friday, October 11

Great Hall

Panel: Chicken and Egg

Using Technology in Education to Inspire Innovation

Using Microcredentials for Student Learning

Applied Learning in the CSE

Opening Doors for those with Disabilities

Libraries Evolving to Meet Community Needs

Storytelling with Open Data

Transformation Towards Smart Communities

Using Technology to Inspire Innovation

Panel: Future Tech Workforce readiness or hiring for a startup

Classroom 1

Bitcoin and the Future History of Money

Your Current Cybersecurity is OK Until

Application Security Essentials


Integrated User Experience Design

Cybersecurity and you … yeah you

Content Management and Drupal 8

What is Semantic I/O


How Public Clouds Affect Us All

Classroom 2

Promoting Open Data

Hudson Valley Regional Data Center

Open Source Quantum Computing 101

Music Data and Blockchain

Life as a Freelance It Consultant

Unlocking the Power of Marketing tech

Communicating your Value

Human-centered Problem Solving

Understand the Key to Breakthrough Teams

Breaking Glass Ceilings

Unlocking the Mobile Code for Small Business

Classroom 3

4th Industrial Revolution

Monetization of Drone Video

1C Enterprise

Saturday, October 12


Communicating your Value

Unleashing a Transformation in Teaching

Startup Sprint: Your job is to start your company

Capture The Flag

1C Enterprise

We appreciate our sponsors!

Hosting County: Orange County — thank you for all your support!

Tallie Carter Law, Marist CollegeTechnically Creative — our bronze sponsors

At&T1Ci, DocuWareMHV and and PressReader for supporting the AT&T Hudson Valley Hackathon, the first ever regional Hackathon

Google Developers Group Capital Region and HackUpstate for your guidance, support and encouragement

Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions, Orange Bank & Trust, Beacon Digital, and many others.

Thank you to all our 30+ volunteers!

See you all at HVTechFest 2020!

Author: Yulia Ovchinnikova

Yulia Ovchinnikova, PhD is a growth & business development professional, tech entrepreneur and strategist, a thought leader, educator, consultant, and a community manager, primarily working with the technology and Internet industry. Yulia helps to build the Hudson Valley tech community by participating with and contributing to many local organizations including, the HVTM (1500+ members), the Google Developer Group HV (700+), running HV Startups business workshops (400+) and founding local Coding MeetUP (300+). She is a key-connector for Hudson Valley tech entrepreneurs and a recognized leader of the tech community Yulia was the first women elected to the Top Level Country Internet Domain .RU Council and the first women elected as president of the Russian Foundation of Open Source Software. She starts as web-developer in 1995, and she was leading web-development teams across all her following jobs, including publishing platform (IKS-Media), consulting (KPMG), few startups (Rosa Lab and iTrend), As a team lead she won a Google Hackathon’s audience award in 2015. She holds a PhD in Economics from Russian Academy of Science and an MA in Applied Mathematics & Computer Science from Moscow State Technical University of Electronics & Mathematics.

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